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Stuðlaberg Gin has rich flavors of juniper berries, citrus, orange, hint of cardamom with subtle taste of licorice


It is smooth and handcrafted in Iceland with pure Icelandic water. Stuðlaberg Gin perfect serve is with quality tonic water like Fever-tree Mediterranean, thin slice of orange peel, star anise and lots of ice or just simply dry in a glass

loki Vodka Icelandic Vodka potato vodka


Loki Vodka, deceptively good


Using the pristine waters of Iceland filtered through volcanic rock for thousands of years Loki is a brand that reflects the nature of Iceland and its people, proud and elegant, adaptable and stylish, and always more than meets the eye. A hidden duality of physical and spiritual reality visible only to those who know where to look


Loki Vodka, deceptively good


Using the pristine waters of Iceland filtered through volcanic rock for thousands of years Loki is a brand that reflects the nature of Iceland and its people, proud and elegant, adaptable and stylish, and always more than meets the eye. A hidden duality of physical and spiritual reality visible only to those who know where to look

loki Vodka Icelandic Vodka potato vodka


strong and real coffee flavour, still sweet enough to enjoy on its own


When the idea came up to create a coffee liquere, the main goal was for it to have a strong and real coffee flavour, still sweet enough to enjoy on its own. A type of coffee rich and deep enough to fulfill our requirements had to be chosen, which is why Te og Kaffi’s quality coffee was our immediate and only choice.